Tuesday, 15 January 2013


Love is a deep affection or fondness, a sexual passion, a romantic relationship between two people, an intense enthusiasm or liking for someone. This is how the dictionary describes the most deepest emotion; the hardest secret. So it really makes me fight for and believe that there is a lot more to love than we all could imagine, or expect.

Love is the strongest power. Strong enough to evoke the feelings of happiness, sadness, longing, affection, lust, insecurity, jealousy. So strong that it can make 'anybody' lose their heart and soul and selflessly live with that 'somebody' whom they have fallen for. It is a feeling so intense that 'anybody' tend to weave their world around their 'somebody'. That 'somebody' becomes so important; rather special in your life that you tend to see things around you with their perspective. Being a writer, I can say that they become an inspiration for your work and thoughts and dreams and desires. The craziest part of being in love is that you don’t even tend to recognize the reason most of the times.

A mother loves her child like nobody could. It the most selfless love. A woman's love for her man is her desire and loyalty towards him. She loves the man in the most purest form. A friend loves another friend for the fun they have together. It is the mischievous love. That day I saw an old couple holding hands and walking down the street. That was the love of support and understanding. It does seem this is a lot like what love is.

However, love has an even broader dimension to itself. It could be anybody's love for something. Now, that something could again be anything. It could be a musicians love for sound, a dancers love for rhythm, or a writers love for pen!

I feel love is like a breeze, free flowing. It is a natural resource too! Of course, you can't make 'anybody' love 'somebody'! It just happens. All I can say is after being in love it is easier to believe about more in magic than before. It gives you light in darkness guiding you on the unfolding road, joy in sorrow, pain in relief. Whatever it may be, it just binds you together!

It has a sort of chemical reactive nature too. 'Anybody' might love 'somebody' but that 'somebody' might just not be aware of that 'anybody'. It brings complications. Like being in love gives you a bipolar disorder at a maximum indulgence but it usually starts with something like pms!

I Love You! It is still a mystery for me or I guess everybody, that how are these three words capable enough to sway you off your feet and take you to the seventh cloud. It makes you feel wanted. 'Anybody' would need a 'somebody' to talk to, share feelings and spaces with, to be a part of their lives. Love is a little selfish too, almost! Though it brings out the best in us.

It is the quality of relationship the some 'anybody' and any 'somebody' shares. It lets them be the greatest person and demands to put forth the best in them to always overcome the worst and lowest in their souls. Love is like an unconquered spirit, always surrounding us, making people happy. And with so much love around, I have started to think, "Can anybody find me somebody to love?".

Friday, 11 January 2013

Relative Obsessions

We always have someone to look up to. Not the role model somebody. Someone whom we can relate with. It might be the relation of love, admiration or simply sharing some common obsession.

Usually, I've seen people obsessive about cars, cameras and all such sort of things. But that's like the category of elite people always narrowing down on the niche objects. Some might also be obsessive about higher education (some really are!), people, colors or words. Again, aren't we getting too materialistic!

What I'm talking about is the obsession for a thing that makes it a part of our own self. It might be the tiniest of a thing but for the person it seems to carry their soul.

One of the greatest men we know on earth, Samson; the man of the sun, had a similar obsession. He was the possessor of these long locks which were the beholders of his incredible strength. Strength, strong enough to perform heroic feats. His hair were the greatest power that he had and with that power he was able to conquer the world alone. In simpler, perhaps more easily relatable words 'the hair' were his identity. Something that he couldn't part with.

There is one similar persona that I personally know of and is similar to Samson in regard to his 'hair obsession'. For him his hair have become his identity. He has been watching himself with the curly locks and have over the time made them a part of himself. This obsession is to such an extent that thinking about getting a haircut makes him PMS!

Of course, the locks are awesome enough to make girls woo at them. I mean, I'm sure Samson would have been a heart throb for many at that time. The man that I know surely is! Besides, the thing that they are obsessive and possessive about becomes an exhibitor of their personality. However, I believe it is the biggest weakness that they have. Samson, lost his powers once he lost his hair. And this other man will lose the confidence and faith in himself, the power that mankind has today, if his hair are shortened.

Of course, my reason for writing about them comes with the relation of admiration I have for the men. Anyway, the point is that we all are obsessive about something or the other. We relate to things constantly. I believe that's the empathetic way of living life. The concern comes in as to what extent shall we remain obsessive about those things and allow them to overpower our heart and soul.

P.S. I'm usually obsessive about the pen that I write with, though in my case the pen changes every time I write!

Wednesday, 2 January 2013

'Those People'

I guess I'm turning into an insomniac! It is strange when you return from a three day road journey, are dead tired but unable to sleep; isn't it? Anyway, so while I was drinking tea trying to make me warm at 3 in the night a thought struck my mind and I began thinking about the people that we meet in our lives. 

How important are these people? Some are our friends, some acquaintances and some are just present to fill in the space. Among them there is a certain category of people who affect our lives by either becoming a part of it or by leaving it or both.

These I guess are the most important people as they are the ones who do not let us be what we thought we would be or we could be.

These ‘invaders’ (as I like to call them) make us realize our mistakes by not just telling us but encroaching our self respect and dignity; literally. They persuade (read force) us to do certain things which we may not agree to initially but are quite fruitful for us at the end, or maybe from the beginning itself. They act as a catalyst making us change our reactions, thoughts, perceptions and if involved to a greater extent; our own selves!

They teach us to be self reliant, to be confident, to be fun and most importantly ‘preach’ us to be independent in our lives and create an identity. They help us ‘shape’ ourselves and turn us into better human beings. They are those few critics necessary after a hundred admirers.

Now the strange feature about ‘the invaders’ is that they are the ‘non-attachable’, ‘non-associate-able’ types. Confused? Let me simplify. While you think that they are completely bind to you, these people do not get attached to a ‘particular setting’ for a long period of time. Even if they do, they have skills given to them by the almighty to detach themselves quite easily. They are the nomads who come live in your life, stir your emotions and then sooner or later leave.

Maybe they are meant to leave; destined to. Because while they are gone we are left with memories! Memories that remind us of the special time where there was somebody to take care of us in a very naive way capable enough of making ourselves what we are today! Memories which are even precious than those people! 

I’m sure you all must have been lucky enough to have had at least one such invader in your life, a person whom you trust upon, whom you desire to keep with you always, on whom you are dependent. People who become your support system and even if you want to not rely on them you end up doing that even more.

A teacher, a mentor, a friend! Whoever they are, keep them with you always. Because they are the ones who can be truly yours!


P.S- Happy New Year! :)